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How To Be Mind Strong And Boost Your Emotional Fitness


Creating Personal Resilience is a 90-minute session for all staff to learn how to identify signs of stress in themselves or colleagues, practical strategies to build their own resilience and wellbeing.


When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Or so the saying goes. The reality is that, even though we all would like to think we are tough, we are all visited by bouts of uncertainty and doubt, especially when the pressure becomes too much. Then we experience undue stress. Undue stress is the type of stress that messes with your brain. You don’t want undue stress, do you?

But what’s putting such pressure on employees? Employees tell us that this is what’s causing their stress:

  • The need to meet unrealistic deadlines
  • Not having a say on how work gets done
  • Being always connected to work
  • The expectation of perfection
  • Long hours
  • Large workloads
  • Asked to do more with less
  • The lack of support (or the perception of it)
  • Workplace politics
  • My relationship with my boss
  • and others

No wonder many are dis-stressed! The good news is that, since we understand the problem, then we can address it.

Allow us to introduce the Creating Personal Resilience online course. It is the advanced online resilience course that shows you exactly how to develop a range of personal resilience strategies, well beyond your normal self-care activities, and when to apply them.

This advanced resilience training draws upon the best scientific research within the fields of neuroscience, positive psychology, and transactional analysis. It’s concerned with what works.

Packed with a range of practical activities to suit different tastes and preferences, including exercises based on mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy, and coaching methodologies, this course will support you on your journey to become even more resilient. It will propel you and show you precisely what you need to do to build your mental strength even more. To become mind-strong, emotionally fit, and to grow your stamina so you can handle the stresses and challenges of any high-pressure environment.

Learning Outcomes:

Overall, this advanced online resilience course will show you:

  • To undertake practical strategies, tools, and techniques to improve resilience
  • How to look after your own wellbeing in a high-pressure environment
  • All too often underused, but advanced critical strategies for building personal resilience
  • How to stay sane when dealing with difficult individuals or situations

Organizations like the University of New South Wales, Broadspectrum, WorkCover QLD, Defence Housing, University of New South Wales, MSS Security, Defence Health, and Tradies Clubs NSW, to name just a few, use our online courses, as part of their standard induction procedures, or as an ongoing part of their regular learning and development programs.

This online training course is part of their strategy to ensure sure that employees are on the same page; they have ticked the box from a compliance standard; and that they are also communicating to their employees from Day One that this organization commits to a mentally healthy working culture.

The videos were concise and engaging and the tests at the end of each module were specific enough that you had to have watched the video to get a good score.Katie, UNSW


This self-paced online course allows participants to access the training at a time suitable to them. Video modules of approximately 10 minutes each can be completed in one sitting or one at a time as desired. Participants complete short assessment quizzes at various points throughout the course, to test their knowledge and understanding.

A certificate of completion is provided upon successful completion of the course.

People who have bought this course have also bought Mental Health Awareness

Who The Course Is For:

  • Anyone wanting to know practical strategies and proven techniques to build personal resilience
  • Workplaces wanting to build the capacitiy and resilience of their workforce
  • All employees experiencing increased pressure and stress due to change

Have A Group?

Group discounts apply.

Key individuals at your organization can be allocated ´Manager´ status to track the progress of each participant through the program.

Alternatively, this online course can also be provided to you in SCORM files to upload to your Learning Management System. Please contact us for a quote.


Course Curriculum

Module 1. Introduction
Introduction to Creating Personal Resilience Details 00:04:00
Module 2: Resilience & Self Care
Resilience and Self Care Details 00:12:00
CPR-Module 2 Quiz Unlimited
Module 3: Morning Rituals
Morning Rituals 1 – Rubbish Bin Details 00:02:00
Morning Rituals 2 – Gratitude Details 00:03:00
Morning Rituals 3 – I Am Details 00:01:00
Morning Rituals 4 – Top 3 Details 00:02:00
CPR-Module 3 Quiz Unlimited
Module 4: Stress Spiral
Avoiding the Stress Spiral Details 00:10:00
CPR-Module 4 Quiz Unlimited
Module 5: Mindfulness
Mindfulness Details 00:08:00
CPR-Module 5 Quiz Unlimited
Module 6. Meaning Making & Mastery Loops
Meaning Making & Mastery Loops Details 00:12:00
CPR-Module 6 Quiz Unlimited
BONUS Module: Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence Details 00:02:00
Emotional Intelligence Self Assessment Details 00:05:00
Reading List Details 00:01:00
Thank You Details 00:01:00